01 02 03 The Princess and The Pickle: Mini Meatball Monsters! 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Mini Meatball Monsters!


Mini Meatball Monster Burgers (using Richmond Mini Meatballs)

I cooked the Mini Meatballs in the oven for 10 minutes (the packaging states 8 minutes, but we prefer them a little crispier!) and while they were cooking I prepared the salad, grated a carrot and some cheese, made myself a cup of tea and searched through the kitchen cupboards to find the cocktail sticks I knew I had somewhere!

I cut each meatball in half and placed them in wholemeal rolls with some of the salad.  I then used cherry tomatoes and slices of cucumber on cocktail sticks to create features for the monsters - this only took a couple of minutes and the monsters were ready to go.

I'd also baked some potato and sweet potato wedges (these took about 30 minutes in the oven, so could be left out if you're in a hurry, but I had a few potatoes which needed using up) which I served with the monster burgers, along with the rest of the salad and a couple of extra meatballs on the side (a pack of 20 was plenty!)  It was all very simple to put together and the total time (excluding wedges) was less than 15 minutes.  I think the most difficult part was The Princess and The Pickle deciding who would have the one with the most tomatoes on top!

This post is an entry for BritMums’ Hungry to Happy Challenge sponsored by Richmond Mini Meatballs.

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